Articles Posted by bintu

Synodality and Culture

General Congregation n. 4 Testimony – October 09 Synodality and Culture By Siu Wai Vanessa CHENG Synodality and Asian cultures In general, when “synodality is to trigger a process in a...

A communion that radiates

General Congregation 4 – 9 October 2023 A communion that radiates Introduction to Module 2 Jean-Claude Card. Hollerich General Rapporteur Good morning, everyone, and welcome back to our Hall...

The Samaritan Woman at the Well: John 4.7 – 30

The Samaritan Woman at the Well: John 4.7 – 30 Spiritual Input – October 9th Fr. Timothy Radcliffe OP Today we begin to reflect on B.1 of the Instrumentum Laboris, ‘A Communion that radiates.’...