About Us
We share news, information and other content concerning the Church in Asia and Synod on Synodality.
Synod Asia Website
Synod Asia website is a common digital platform maintained by the FABC OSC in collaboration with Offices of Social Communication in Asia and other media partners and the Synod Secretariat. We share news, information and other content concerning the Church in Asia and Synod on Synodality. Besides providing the latest information from the Synod Assembly in Rome, the site will be a point of reference for all relevant and latest matters of importance related to the Synod with focus on Asia.
We share news, interviews, commentaries, columns, videos, social media posts in English and various Asian vernacular language translations. All those who want to share the contents of the site may do so as we offer them free of copyright. However, we appreciate acknowledgement of the source when you use materials. You are also welcome to contribute content on Synod from the local churches that may be of benefit to those who seek them.
FABC Office of Social Communication
FABC Office of Social Communication established in 1974, to serve the FABC strives to bring a Christian dimension to all communication activities and develop ‘Social Communication’ within the Asian Catholic community in order to support Christian living and the service of the Gospel.
Its functions include collaboration and networking with the Dicastery of Communication of the Holy See in promoting the teaching of the church, and support communication activities for the mission of the Church. It serves the Asian Bishops on matters related to social communication by striving to promote communication ad intra in the church and ad extra in society.